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montessori kindergartens


TOBFC cooperates with local and district governments to bring quality, early-childhood education to rural communities through our Montessori Kindergartens Outreach Program.


TOBFC has established 30 Montessori Kindergartens (each a “Casa Classroom”) and has completed the construction of 17 Montessori school buildings, for children who otherwise would have no “formal” education. Over 2,000 children are currently enrolled in Montessori Kindergarten at these schools. We provide our schools annually with new materials for their Casa Classrooms and expert training for the Tanzanians who teach at these schools. In addition, TOBFC implements health initiatives for children registered in the schools including hand-washing, de-worming and anti-fungal campaigns.


Our Montessori Program is unique as it partners with each community to foster community investment and support, ensuring its success. In order to have a school built in their community, a community’s leaders must approach TOBFC and make a request for the Montessori program. The community must provide an initial structure and/or land where TOBFC can build a school. Once, that is established, the community is responsible for putting together a school committee out of members. That committee then selects a teacher and decides upon what will be the community’s contribution toward the teacher’s salary (1000-3000TSH/per family). Moreover, the community contributes in the building of the school, such as participating in the construction or working to provide materials for the construction. TOBFC covers all other additional costs associated with the school, including the rest of the teacher’s salary, furniture and learning materials for the Casa Classrooms.


Our Montessori teachers receive ongoing training, including annual 15-day training courses hosted by TOBFC in the community of Utengule-Usangu. In 2017, two of our staff began the AMI Montessori Diploma Program in Dar-es-Salaam on full scholarships provided by the Arthur Waser Foundation. Through TOBFC’s Montessori Outreach Program, the Charity is able to sensitize parents and communities to the value of education and inform parents about health topics that can save lives.


Completed Montessori Casa Classroom constructions:

1.     Gomoshelo

2.     Azimio-Mswiswi

3.     Azimio-Mapula

4.     Vaughan Wambilo

5.     V-School Utengule

6.     Filomena and Azeglio Bevilacqua Simike-Mapula

7.     LiUNA 183 Ihanga

8.     AMS-Magurula

9.     Tunakujali Tansania Mwika

10.  Tunakujali Tansania Lyanang’we

11.  Walker Foundation Ugomtwa

12.  M-Mwashota Montessori

13.  Ugandilwa

14.  M- School Mwshota MSK

15.  Tunakujali Mbwawa

16.  K- Lyankunda Montessori MSK

17.  Tunakujali Tansania Nganga

Thank you to our Montessori Kindergarten Patrons

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