team hope

The Olive Branch for Children (TOBFC) Social Care Team, Complete Community Care Team, and the District Social Welfare Office work together to identify the most vulnerable community members that require interventions and support from our Team Hope program.
TOBFC staff assess the specific needs of each individual referred to the Team Hope program and provide the appropriate assistance to meet their circumstances.
The three social workers in our Social Care Team – Lucy, Dez, and Isaya – co-ordinate and supervise the work we undertake in this program. Our 19 Complete Community Care Team members are the outreach workers that provide on the ground service delivery to our Team Hope clients.
Team Hope benefits may include:
House repairs, rentals, and builds - depending on need
Furnishing of houses, including but not limited to mattresses, beds, tables, chairs
Solar lamps
Solar radios
Walking aids and wheelchairs
Toilet aids or builds
Clothing and footwear
Other items as identified
All TOBFC Food Support clients are recipients of Team Hope program benefits. Additional community members that are not part of any other TOBFC programs are also identified to receive Team Hope program benefits. Many of the individuals served by this program are elderly and or disabled and represent the most vulnerable people we serve.
TOBFC provides the basic necessities of life to these clients to help preserve their dignity. Some of the items we provide, such as solar radios, help to overcome social isolation, connecting program recipients to their community. Wood furniture such as bed frames, tables , chairs, and other items are made by carpenters trained through the Kubuni Carpentry program.
Over 70 households received Team Hope support between January and November 2024.