Curling BonspielS

Thank you to those who participated in The Sun is Rising for Girls and Women in Tanzania: The Olive Branch for Children’s 2024 Curling Bonspiel on November 16, 2024 at the Trisan Centre in Schomberg, Ontario, Canada. It was wonderful to see both familiar faces and new curlers, and that TOBFC Founder and CEO Deborah McCracken-Nangereke was able to join us.
Many thanks to those who kindly donated items for the silent auction, the wonderful women who worked tirelessly in the kitchen, the people looking after the auction and jewelry table, the cheerful bartenders, the ice crew, and the drawmaster who arranged all the games.
A special thank you to A Million Mouthfuls, the catering company that provided the delicious soup and sandwiches. Thank you also to the volunteers who baked homemade muffins, squares, and cookies for everyone to enjoy. Together, you made the day a great success.
Your entry fees, silent auction purchases and donations raised an outstanding C$16,626 for The Olive Branch for Children, exceeding our goal to raise $15,000.
We are still receiving donations to support this event. If you would like to make a donation you can do so through Canada Helps on the TOBFC website.
These funds will specifically support vulnerable women and children
through the four programs profiled this year – Menstrual Equity,
Healthy Mamas (Birth Kits), Healthy Mamas (Reproductive Health),
and Food Support (Older Adult Care).
Thank you for your support and hope to see you next year!
A special thank you to Goldline for donating two Fiberlite Impact brooms for our silent auction!

Curling FOR EQUITY: The olive branch for Children's 2023 Curling Bonspiel

Vielen Dank an die King Curling Club-Community und die vielen anderen Unterstützer, die uns geholfen haben, unser Ziel zu übertreffen.
Zusammen haben wir 6.380 CAD gesammelt!
2020 Curling Bonspiel virtual fundraising campaigN

Vielen Dank an die King Curling Club-Community und die vielen anderen Unterstützer, die uns geholfen haben, unser Ziel zu übertreffen.
Zusammen haben wir 6.380 CAD gesammelt!

$201 und mehr
Nancy & Craig Honey
Petra & Mike Sidon
$101 bis $200
Jack & Kim Campbell
Susan Carter Smith
Barb & Karl Davis
Bill Kelly
Ginette McCracken
Anonymous - 3
Cristina Jurovicki
Elaine Lawrence
Jamie Rossiter
Doug Sutherland
Dean & Cheryl Teasdale
Amanda Zupancic
Anonymous - 7
Spender mit anonymen Beiträgen
Nicole Austin
Nicholas Beck
Peg Belcher
Richard Boutin
Andrew Mackenzie
Ginny Ross
Nancy Scuglia
Christine Warner