cuidado de la salud

TOBFC coopera con los gobiernos locales y distritales para brindar educación infantil de calidad a las comunidades rurales.
TOBFC ha establecido 30 jardines de infancia Montessori (cada uno un "Aula Casa") y ha completado la construcción de 17 edificios escolares Montessori, para niños que de otro modo no tendrÃan una educación "formal". Actualmente, más de 2000 niños están inscritos en el jardÃn de infantes Montessori en estas escuelas. Brindamos a nuestras escuelas anualmente nuevos materiales para sus Casa Classrooms y capacitación experta para los tanzanos que enseñan en estas escuelas. Además, TOBFC implementa iniciativas de salud para los niños registrados en las escuelas, que incluyen campañas de lavado de manos, desparasitación y antifúngico.
Nuestro Programa Montessori es único ya que se asocia con cada comunidad para fomentar la inversión y el apoyo de la comunidad, lo que garantiza su éxito. Para construir una escuela en su comunidad, los lÃderes de la comunidad deben acercarse a TOBFC y hacer una solicitud para el programa Montessori. La comunidad debe proporcionar una estructura inicial y/o un terreno donde TOBFC pueda construir una escuela. Una vez que se establece, la comunidad es responsable de formar un comité escolar de miembros. Ese comité luego selecciona a un maestro y decide cuál será la contribución de la comunidad al salario del maestro (1000-3000TSH/por familia). Además, la comunidad contribuye en la construcción de la escuela, ya sea participando en la construcción o trabajando para proporcionar materiales para la construcción. TOBFC cubre todos los demás costos adicionales asociados con la escuela, incluido el resto del salario del maestro, muebles y materiales de aprendizaje para las Casa Aulas.
community beekeeping groups​​
Groups that approach TOBFC to receive support through the Sustainable Beekeeping program fit into three different categories. These include:
vulnerable women, disabled and older adults and some youth,
all with no beekeeping experience -
beekeepers with some experience using traditional local practices
experienced beekeepers that require minimal support
The program support is tiered to match the level of assistance each group requires.

Examples of people in the first category include single mothers, older women caring for their grandchildren, women with no farmland, and youth with no farmland who have not finished secondary school. These groups receive the most training and support from our TOBFC staff apiarist. Each group receives a complete beekeeping kit that includes a bee suit, large protective boots, gloves, cleaning and opening tools for the hives, and a smoker. They are also provided with beehives. They learn how to care for bees and harvest honey and wax from the beehives.
Groups that follow local practices usually require some beekeeping supplies but not a full kit. Our TOBFC apiarist assists groups in this second category, including formally registering with the government as an income-generating group as required by law.
Beekeeping groups in the third category usually have most of the equipment they require but TOBFC will supplement any missing elements. These beekeepers have formally registered with the government in most cases.
education, support, and connections
All beekeeping groups learn about marketing, environmental issues, basic financial literacy, efficient business techniques, and savings and household financial management. This ensures that all participants receive the necessary skills training to support their success.
Our staff apiarist provides ongoing support to the participating groups. This includes assistance to harvest all of the beehives. TOBFC also helps the groups connect to markets to sell their honey. TOBFC is hoping to purchase equipment in 2025 to grade the honey produced through this program, which will enhance the value of the production. Currently, TOBFC is working with the District Bee Specialist on establishing a beekeepers’ association.
By joining our Sustainable Beekeeping program, groups interested in or already practising beekeeping receive formalized expert assistance in ethical beekeeping practises that support long-term success. They also connect with a thriving community where they benefit from shared experiences and an active support network.
As a key part of our Climate Care initiatives, our Sustainable Beekeeping program provides targeted climate action while addressing gender equity, support for vulnerable women, and income security.