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Huduma ya afya

Mwavuli wetu wa Huduma ya Afya ni kundi la programu zinazoshughulikia masuala ya afya katika eneo letu la vyanzo vya maji. Tawi la Olive kwa Watoto linaamini kuwa kupata huduma ya afya ni haki. Tunazipatia jumuiya za mbali zaidi upatikanaji wa huduma za afya na taarifa, kutoa rufaa na usaidizi kwa wanajamii kupata hospitali kubwa zaidi, na kupeleka dawa za kila mwezi kwenye milango ya watu. Tunaelewa kuwa huduma hizi hushughulikia vizuizi vya sasa vya kupata huduma, lakini sio suluhisho endelevu zaidi katika siku zijazo. Ndiyo maana, tunashirikiana na Serikali ya Wilaya kujenga vituo vya afya vya kudumu.  


Mnamo 2020, programu zetu za Huduma ya Afya ziliathiri vyema 115,033 watu binafsi.

TOBFC provides over 80 education scholarships per annum. TOBFC also supports more than 30 children who live with their surviving families, enabling them to access education and better nutrition.

Zion Peace Home is a safe, loving home where 50 children live full-time and 80 reside during school holidays, all receiving full educational support.

Mwavuli wetu wa Huduma ya Afya ni kundi la programu zinazoshughulikia masuala ya afya katika eneo letu la vyanzo vya maji. Tawi la Olive kwa Watoto linaamini kuwa kupata huduma ya afya ni haki. Tunazipatia jumuiya za mbali zaidi upatikanaji wa huduma za afya na taarifa, kutoa rufaa na usaidizi kwa wanajamii kupata hospitali kubwa zaidi, na kupeleka dawa za kila mwezi kwenye milango ya watu. Tunaelewa kuwa huduma hizi hushughulikia vizuizi vya sasa vya kupata huduma, lakini sio suluhisho endelevu zaidi katika siku zijazo. Ndiyo maana, tunashirikiana na Serikali ya Wilaya kujenga vituo vya afya vya kudumu.  


Mnamo 2020, programu zetu za Huduma ya Afya ziliathiri vyema 115,033 watu binafsi.

Awakening Silenced Voices

Awakening Silenced Voices is a gender-equality youth camp for girls living at the Zion Home. The camp provides a safe space for young women to discuss what it means to be, and their experiences being a woman highlighting gender equality and women’s rights. This program started as a joint initiative with a Toronto based high school to bring together young girls from Canada and Tanzania to share their experiences and learn together.


Throughout the two weeks, the participants travel around Tanzania and participate in intensive workshops. At the end of the two weeks, participants are required to submit a final team project that explores the question “What it means to be a girl, or to be a woman” through film and creative writing.


Amazing videos and books have been produced through these camps.

STEP-UP Youths for Youths Development Camp

Our Step-Up Youths for Youths Development Camps run on the secondary school long holidays.


Our camps follow a schedule whereby, use sport as a tool for development in the morning, and academic programming in the afternoon.


The mornings include time for discussions on the topic of the day, skill development of the sport and time to play the actual game. Discussions include; food groups, innovative thinking, gender equality, being an ally, bullying, CV building, interview preparation etc. Youth then get to put the information to use during the co-ed camps, as sports can build transferable skills that can be used throughout their lives. One of the key aspects of our camps in the introduction to various sports (Gaelic Football, Ultimate Frisbee, Baseball) into Uyole, where football is the predominant sport played.


In the afternoon, the Zion Home Students partake in a rigorous academic camp that reviews material for their grade level. Qualified teachers come to the Zion Home to work with grade groups individually. Aside from review, students participate in activities such as Public Speaking, Debates, Research Projects, etc.


These Youth Development Camps are run annually at the Zion Home.

cross-cultural programs

We work with numerous schools around the world to match youth with penpals. 

We believe it is so important for our youth to be exposed to different cultures and interact with other students as equals. The skills they learn through these cross-cultural projects ensure they can lead successful lives in our increasingly multicultural world.

Videos from the Zion Home Family...

child and youth CARE PROGRAMS

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