Huduma ya afya
Mwavuli wetu wa Huduma ya Hali ya Hewa ni kundi la programu zinazolenga kupunguza athari za ukataji miti na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa kwa jamii tunazohudumia. Tunashughulikia athari hizi kwa kiwango cha mtu binafsi, kaya na jamii.
Mnamo 2020, Mipango yetu ya Utunzaji wa Hali ya Hewa iliathiri vyema watu 405 na zaidi ya jumuiya 10.
This combination of challenges, impacts, and solutions is reflected in the themes of our Climate Care pillar: Intersecting environment, food security, gender equity, and economic agency.
TOBFC has built on partnerships with local, district, and regional governments, as well as our long-term, deeply established working relationships in numerous villages and robust community-based teams, to design and deliver our Climate Care programs. Our Climate Care initiatives have positively benefited our catchment area since 2019.
TOBFC is proud of its record of leadership in community-based climate action. Our capacity and knowledge in this area were recognized in April 2023 when we were one of two organizations from Mbeya chosen by the Tanzanian Ministry of Energy to participate in the drafting of the National Clean Energy Vision.

Asante kwa Walinzi wetu wa Utunzaji wa Hali ya Hewa wa 2021